Friday, March 26, 2010

Flowchart for my sliding door.

This image is my flow chart.
The good points of my sliding door is:

This door has a laser sensor which permits it to open quickly.

It can sense people that are handicaped and leave them more time to go through the door.

In case of and emergency such as a fire, the door will stay open for people to go through without getting stuck in the building.

If a lot of people are passing through the door can sense them and will leave them more time to go by.

The door is very wide and a lot of people can go through it.

The disadvantages with my sliding door are:

You musn't rush through to much otherwise someone might get stuck between it.

Not many people think that they have enough time to go through the door, especially if theyre in a hurry, because they can push pass people.

As you can see there aren't many negative points of view on my sliding door. So think about it and you might end up buyinh it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

inputs and outputs

For my homework I have to write on my blog the different inputs and outputs needed in sliding door.

The input needed for the sliding door I chose (my design) is:

  • A laser sensor

The outputs needed for my sliding door design is:

  • motor:door opening
  • motor:door closing


  • Is there someone going through
  • Is there motion
  • Is there anyone else going through

Because I have a laser sensor when people go through the door opens quickly with a delay of six seconds and the door can also sense if there is anyone else waiting. For handicapped people the door can sense them and give thema delay on ten seconds.

What we are expected to do for this project.

For this project we are expected to create a flowchart for a sliding door by practicing on logicator 2004 and testing it on burglar alarm, and pelican crossing softsystems.

During this project we are expected to do:
  • Individual work
  • group work
  • creativity
  • using all information gathered together
  • using inelligence
  • using our skills

I can't wait to start building the door itself.

Logicator 2004

Duiring the week I've been working on logicator 2004 with Nare.

We have done flowcharts for:
  • pelican crossings
  • burglar alarms

We have had a lot of fun and have made a flowchart for these softsystems to work.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Date: 8/02/10

Today in class we had to choose our own design to make a flowchart. The design I chose includes an emergency door which means that it opens even in an emergency. It has a laser sensor which makes it go faster if there is a que.

I think that we are soon goibng to start making the actual door. I am so excited.

I feel that in class were having a lot of fun especially when we stay on powerpoint.
Date: 5/02/10

Last Friday we looked at a website called controling and monotoring. We basically saw how different objects work like when you order coffee from a coffee machine, etc..

Then we started making a flow chart to see how different things worked.

It was erally fun and I was suprised to see exactly and precisly how different objects worked especially the coffee machine and the burgular alarm.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Today in computer technology I was told to design on powerpoint 3 different types of sliding doors with different sensors.

The 3 kinds I chose were:
  • A sliding door with a motion sensor
  • A infred sensor
  • A sensor that you step on

It was so fun drawing, designing and adding animation to the sliding doors. I think that the part that I found the hardest was adding the animation.

It was such a fun class!